California Artichoke Advisory Board

Artichoke Benedict

Artichoke Benedict
  • 4 medium California artichokes
  • 4 slices (¼-inch thick)
    Canadian bacon
  • 4 eggs
  • Hollandaise Sauce
    (for recipe, see right)

  1. Prepare and cook artichokes as directed for Whole Artichokes (see Basic Preparation).
  2. Brown Canadian bacon slices in skillet.
  3. Poach eggs in boiling, salted water.
  4. Spread leaves of artichoke open like flower petals.
  5. Remove center petals and fuzzy centers from artichokes and discard.
  6. Place bacon slices into artichoke centers, covering bottom, and top with poached eggs.
  7. Spoon on Hollandaise Sauce and serve immediately.

Yield: Makes 4 servings.